AXA 安盛呈獻:八三夭【水啦水啦】2024生日趴 香港站

  • 2024/08/24(Sat) 20:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • AXA x WONDERLAND, West Kowloon / 安盛 x 竹翠公園, 西九
  • KKLIVE / 不搖就滾

AXA 安盛呈獻:八三夭【水啦水啦】2024生日趴 香港站

八三夭【水啦水啦】2024生日趴 香港站 取消公告

我們遺憾地宣佈,原定於 2024年8月24日於安盛 x 竹翠公園舉行之 「八三夭【水啦水啦】2024生日趴 香港站」活動將會取消。


我們為是次活動取消對藝人造成之困擾及對購票粉絲帶來之不便衷心致歉,並感謝各合作單位的體諒。所有已購票的觀眾,均會獲得退款,退還之金額為購買門票之票面全額及每張門票的HK$12 KKTIX 平台服務費。大會將送贈本次演唱會專屬「水啦水啦」 Tee (黑色)給每一位購票支持八三夭的粉絲朋友。我們會繼續努力在未來為大家呈獻更好的演出,再次感謝各位的理解。

KKTIX 於完成內部結算後將會發出確認退款電郵。購買之門票款項將於確認退款電郵發出後 30 個工作天內自動退回至購買門票時使用之信用卡,實際天數會因應不同信用卡而異。您無需為此活動之退款作任何申請。
退還之金額為購買門票之票面全額及每張門票的HK$12 KKTIX 平台服務費。


所有已購票的人士,均可得到大會將送贈的藝人周邊,每張門票將可獲得本次演唱會專屬「水啦水啦」 Tee (黑色) 一件,以答謝所有觀眾的支持。
請於 2024年9月13日或之前到以下網站登記並完成資料提供,贈品會以郵寄方式送出,請務必填妥準確的收件資料及地址。


從錄音室 唱到2024
從師大小公園 唱到九龍竹翠公園
從最後的831 唱到此刻的你
等你一起 綻放一夏
一期一會 只想見你!


節目資訊 Event Information

Event Date
2024年8月24日 (星期六)
Saturday, 24 August 2024
Event Time
安盛 x 竹翠公園,西九
AXA x WONDERLAND, West Kowloon
Ticket Price
  座位 Seating:
HK$1031 (VIP)
  企位 Standing:

Standing areas are only suitable for person aged 15 or above and with a height of 140cm or above. The age limit for seating areas is 6 or above.

HKD $1,031 VIP門票福利
•⁠  ⁠只限量240套,售完即止
•⁠  ⁠VIP門票包括接近舞台之座位門票一張及拍照機會一次
•⁠  ⁠拍照以十位觀眾一組為單位,將於演出後進行,詳情福利安排將另行公布

每張門票需要加上 HK$12 KKTIX 平台手續費。
KKTIX booking fee of HK$12 are applicable to each ticket.

此活動只限 TIX-GET-GO 粉絲購買,購票前請先 點此成為 TIX-GET-GO 粉絲
This event is for TIX-GET-GO fans club members only. Please click here to become a TIX-GET-GO member before purchasing.


門票優先訂購 Ticket Presale

恒生 Mastercard 信用卡客戶可於以下時段在 KKTIX 優先訂購:
2024年8月1日 (星期四) 中午12時正 –
2024年8月2日 (星期五) 晚上6時正

Hang Seng Mastercard credit card presale will be available on KKTIX from:
Thursday, 1 August 2024 12:00PM –
Friday, 2 August 2024 6:00PM

This presale is subjected to the terms and conditions.


門票公開發售 Public Sale

門票於以下時間在 KKTIX 公開發售:
2024年8月6日 (星期二) 中午12時正

Public sale will be available on KKTIX from:
Tuesday, 6 August 2024 12:00PM



  • 本活動之企位門票只限於活動當日已正式年滿15歲及身高140cm或以上的人士,以及座位門票只限6歲或以上的人士參加,主辦機構有權要求持票人出示年齡證明文件,例如身份證或其他身份證明文件。

  • 為維護您的權益,請勿向他人轉售電子門票,屆時或將無法進場,主辦單位保留取消該門票之權利。

  • 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之渠道、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。

  • 本活動禁止使用閃光燈、專業相機或攝影機進行攝錄影及錄音。如經查獲,現場工作人員有權立即刪除本場活動的影音資料,任何損壞與資料遺失概不負責,敬請留意。

  • 本活動於戶外進行,受制於天氣及環境因素,活動當日如遇上惡劣天氣,主辦單位會另行公布活動安排。參加者一旦完成購票手續,即表示明白及接受主辦單位所訂立的所有條款與安排,並同意主辦單位可根據現場天氣及環境而作出時間調動或取消的安排。

  • 主辦單位保留有關是次活動之最終決定權。如本條款及細則的中英文版本有任何不一致,一概以中文版本為準。

票區圖 Seating Plan


購票方式說明 How To Buy Tickets

您的 KKTIX 帳號須完成「手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證」才能進行購票流程,請前往 確認您的電話號碼及電子郵件是否已經認證完畢。提醒您請勿使用Yahoo、Hotmail信箱註冊及驗證,以避免驗證信未能寄達。
You must verify your phone number and email address before you can purchase on KKTIX. Please visit to confirm if your verification is successful. Avoid using Yahoo or Hotmail as your login email as verification emails might be undelivered to these service providers.
  1. 本活動採用全電子門票形式。成功購買門票後,閣下可隨時在 KKTIX App 或 KKTIX 網站查看到電子門票 QR Code。您可以前往 App StoreGoogle Play 下載 KKTIX App,入場時以手提電話出示 QR Code。
    Only e-ticket will be issued for this event. E-tickets can be viewed on the KKTIX App and KKTIX website upon successful purchase. You can download the KKTIX App on the App StoreGoogle Play to display your QR code at entry.
  2. 門票限以 KKTIX 會員購買。請購票人士先免費加入成會員並盡早通過手機號碼及電子郵件地址驗證,以便進行購票流程。接收不到電話驗證碼短訊怎麼辦?請點我
    To purchase tickets, you must become a KKTIX member. Please sign up as a member for free and verify your email address and phone number at your earliest convenience. Unable to receive the phone number verification code? Please read me.
  3. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您在註冊會員或結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用 Yahoo 或 Hotmail 郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到「訂單成立通知信」。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. To avoid the failure of receiving the order confirmation email, KKTIX does NOT suggest using Yahoo or Hotmail email for registration.
  4. 系統發出之 QR Code 電子票券等同正式入場門票,一組 QR Code 限一人使用。如閣下購買的是多張門票,則會收到同等數量的 QR Code。
    The QR code on your e-ticket is equivalent to the official admission ticket. One QR code can only be used by one person. You will receive an equal amount of QR code according to your purchase amount.
  5. 每位 KKTIX 會員限購 4 張。訂單一旦成立,恕不接受更改、取消、退回或退款。
    Each KKTIX member can purchase up to 4 tickets. No modifications, cancellations, returns or refunds will be accepted once the order is established.
  6. 每張門票需要收取 HK$12 KKTIX 平台手續費。
    KKTIX booking fee of HK$12 will be charged for each ticket. 
  7. 本活動只接受 VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay 信用卡付款。
    This event only accepts VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay credit cards.
  8. 此活動設有企位區域座位區域:企位區不設排隊序號,請根據現場工作人員安排入場。座位區僅提供「電腦劃位」,系統將自動配以選擇票價的最合適區域及相連座位。若當下已無相連座位,系統會分配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。
    Standing and seating areas are available for this event. No queuing number will be offered for standing area, please follow the admission arrangements at the venue. For seating area, the system will follow the preset logic to scan from the default preferred seat to select appropriate location of the available seats matching the required quantity from customers for their consideration.
  9. 每個訂單成立後會向您發出「訂單成立通知」電郵。電子郵件可能因不同因素未能寄到您的郵箱,因此僅作交易通知之用。沒收到「訂單成立通知」電郵不代表交易沒有成功。一旦無法確認訂單是否交易成功,請前往會員帳戶的「訂單」查詢您的消費資料。只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的資訊;若查不到您所訂購的資訊或是收到訂單逾期取消的通知,即表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。若您是付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試用信用卡付款。
    An order confirmation email will be sent to your email address upon each successful purchase. The email could be undelievered to your email system due to various reasons. The confirmation email is for notification purposes only. The inability to receive the confirmation email does not equal to failure of the transaction. You can visit “Your Billing List” to view the details of your orders. If you cannot view the related order or if you receive a cancellation notification email, that means your transaction failed and you should try ordering again. If your payment method fails during the purchase, please try again within the specified time limit.
  10. KKTIX 系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的門票就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁是否有釋出可購買的門票。
    KKTIX will release the tickets accordingly from the uncompleted orders by customers who do not finish the payment within the time limit. Customers can check the availability of tickets by visiting our website.


注意事項 Terms & Conditions

  1. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意所有活動注意事項。
    Please pay attention to all terms and conditions. You agree to all rules and regulations if you complete your order.
  2. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非 KKTIX 正式授權售票之渠道、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及 KKTIX 概不負責。
    To protect your rights and interests, please do not purchase tickets through any unofficial ticketing platforms or channels that are not authorized by KKTIX. Fraud and disputes may occur during the transaction. Meanwhile, the organizer and KKTIX will not be responsible for any admission issues or other problems caused by the tickets from unauthorized ticketing platforms.
  3. 已售出門票恕不接受任何退票、退款。
    No returns, exchanges or refunds will be accepted once the ticket is sold.
  4. 每票只限一人。一人一票、憑票入場。如遇門票遺失或損毀,恕不補發。請務必妥善保管好購買之門票。
    Each ticket admits one person only. No reissue of any ticket lost or damaged. Please keep your QR Code / e-ticket safe.
  5. 企位區域門票只限15歲或以上及身高140cm或以上的人士。座位區域年齡限制為6歲或以上。
    Standing areas are only suitable for persons aged 15 or above and with a height of 140cm or above. The age limit for seated zone is 6 or above.
  6. 電子門票為不記名門票,請勿將票券 QR Code 任意公開或提供給第三人,以防遭人冒領入場。
    A name is not required for the entry of this event. Please do not publicize the QR Code on your ticket as it could be used for admission.
  7. 如發現購買門票時有任何不尋常的紀錄、炒賣或任何涉及違法的行為,KKTIX 有權取消其入場資格並保留一切法律追究的權利。所有已支付的門票費用,包括手續費及行政費均不會退還。
    If any unusual transactions, illegal acts or speculation is found, KKTIX has the right to cancel their qualifications of entry and reserves the right to take legal actions. All ticket fees paid, including booking and handling fees, will not be refunded.
  8. 現場禁止攜帶外來食物或飲品。
    No outside food or drink is allowed at the event.
  9. 活動期間嚴禁使用閃光燈攝影、錄影、錄音或直播。如經查獲,現場工作人員有權立即刪除本場活動的影音資料。
    No flash photography, videotaping, audio recording or live streaming is allowed. If found, the staff has the right to delete the audio and video materials of the event immediately.
  10. 場內和場外攜帶或吸食毒品均屬違法行為,主辦機構絕不容忍任何非法藥物使用或交易行為,一經發現,相關嫌疑者將被禁止入場或直接驅趕離場,主辦機構並會立即報警處理。
    It is illegal to carry or consume drugs both inside and outside the venue, and the Organiser will not tolerate any illegal drug use, possession or trading. If a suspected case is found, the suspect will be banned from entering or directly expelled from the venue, and the Organiser will immediately report the suspect to the police.
  11. 請持票觀眾務必遵守主辦方及場館的各項規定。如有干擾活動進行之行為,主辦方有權請其離場。
    You must follow all rules and regulations arranged by the organizer and the venue. If anyone interferes with the event, the organizer reserves the right to ask them to leave the venue.
  12. 活動相關訊息變動,主辦單位保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。
    The organizer reserves the rights to suspend, terminate, amend or modify the event if there are any changes necessary.
  13. 有關活動資訊及詳情,歡迎向主辦單位查詢。如對票務安排有任何疑問,歡迎 inbox KKTIX Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) 或 KKTIX Instagram (@kktix_hk) 查詢。
    For questions related to the programme or the event, please contact the organizer. For any ticketing enquiries, please send your message to KKTIX’s Facebook (KKTIX Hong Kong) or KKTIX’s Instagram (@kktix_hk). 

AXA x WONDERLAND, West Kowloon / 安盛 x 竹翠公園, 西九

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
$1031 Seating

2024/08/06 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/24 20:00(+0800)
  • HKD$1,031.0
$831 Seating

2024/08/06 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/24 20:00(+0800)
  • HKD$831.0
$731 Standing

2024/08/06 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/24 20:00(+0800)
  • HKD$731.0
$631 Standing

2024/08/06 12:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/24 20:00(+0800)
  • HKD$631.0
Next Step